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GABIT - manufacturer of window and door joinery
Modern technology
90° welding technology
The HFL system (Holz Fenster Look) is an innovative technology that enables the welding of frame and sash corners at a 90° angle, in contrast to conventional PVC windows where the welding angle is 45°.
What are the main differences between window production using the HFL system and the conventional method?
– Profile cutting – two profiles are cut at a 45° angle and two at a 90° angle.
– Additional milling of the profile ends increases the resistance of the outer ventilation chamber to high temperatures. The profiles cut at a 90° angle are milled at a 45° angle, with the stop lip remaining at the 90° angle, while the outer surface of the 45° profiles is milled. This gives the windows a wood-like appearance.
– Adjustment of the welding heads and mirrors so that the profile cut at a 90° angle lies on the table and the heating mirror is lowered from above with height correction.
– All CNC machines must be programmed accordingly.
– For windows in the HFL system, the external drains are milled into the frame from below, not from the outside of the window. In addition, the installation of the external window sills must take water drainage into account so that the water does not run down the wall.

New order processing tool

Technologia V-PERFECT

QR code in PVC windows

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